Volume 2, Number 4- December 1997
MELISSA A. PILGRIM, TERENCE M. FARRELL, AND PETER G. MAY. Population structure, activity, and sexual dimorphism in a central Florida population of box turtles, Terrapene carolina bauri. P. 483-488.
MICHAEL V. PLUMMER AND J. CARY BURNLEY. Behavior, hibernacula, and thermal relations of softshell turtles (Trionyx spiniferus) overwintering in a small stream. P. 489-493.
WILLIAM E. MAGNUSSON, ALDENIZA CARDOSO DE LIMA, VALDENISE LOPES DA COSTA, AND RICHARD C. VOGT. Home range of the turtle, Phrynops rufipes, in an isolated reserve in central Amazônia, Brazil. P 494-499.
GERALD KUCHLING. Restoration of epidermal scute patterns during regeneration of the chelonian carapace. P. 500-506.
CRAIG GUYER AND SHARON M. HERMAN. Patterns of size and longevity of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrows: implications for the longleaf pine ecosystem. P. 507-513.
MICHAEL V. PLUMMER, NATHAN E. MILLS, AND STEVE L. ALLEN. Activity, habitat, and movement patterns of softshell turtles (Trionyx spiniferus) in a small stream. P. 514-520.
FRANCO LEANDRO SOUZA AND AUGUSTO SHINYA ABE. Population structure, activity, and conservation of the neotropical freshwater turtle, Hydromedusa maximilinia, in Brazil. P. 521-525.
DONALD G. BROADLEY. Osteological characters of the shell and humerus in hinged tortoises of the African genus Kinixys. P. 526-531.
JEFFREY R. SCHMIDT AND WAYNE N. WITZELL. Age and growth of wild Kemp’s ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempi): cumulative results of tagging studies in Florida. P. 532-537.
DAVID C. ROSTAL, JANICE S. GRUMBLES, RICHARD A. BYLES, RENÉ MÁRQUEZ-M, AND DAVID WM. OWENS. Nesting physiology of Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, Lepidochelys kempi, at Rancho Nuevo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, with observations on population estimates. P. 538-547.
JAMES F. PARHAM AND DAVID E. FASTOVSKY. The phylogeny of cheloniid sea turtles revisited. P. 548-554.
WILLIAM P. McCORD. Mauremys pritchardi, a new batagurid turtle from Myanmar and Yunnan, China. P. 555-562.
Notes and Field Reports
Differences in body size among populations of red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) subjected to different levels of harvesting. LISA M. CLOSE AND RICHARD A. SIEGEL. P. 563-566.
Ecological distribution and population dynamics of the Mediterranean tortoise, Testudo graeca nikolskii, in xerophytic forests of the western Caucasus, southern Russia. ALEXANDER A. INOZEMTSEV. P. 567-572.
Delayed feeding in neonatal Kemp’s ridley, Lepidochelys kempii: a captive sea turtle management technique. CLARK T. FONTAINE AND THEODORE D. WILLIAMS. P. 573-576.
Growth of the turtle, Phrynops rufipes, in central Amazônia, Brazil. WILLIAM E. MAGNUSSON, ALDENZIA CARDOSO DE LIMA, VALDENISE LOPES DA COSTA, AND ODILON PIMENTEL DE LIMA. P. 576-581.
Estimating the time between hatching of sea turtles and their emergence from the nest. MATTHEW H. GODFREY AND N. MROSOVSKY. P. 581-585.
Predation upon olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) by the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) at Playa Nancite, Costa Rica. RUDY M. ORTIZ, PAMELA T. PLOTKIN, AND DAVID WM. OWENS. P. 585-587.
Growth and reproductive estimates from alligator snapping turtles, Macroclemys temminckii, taken by commercial harvest in Louisiana. ANTON D. TUCKER AND KEVIN N. SLOAN. P. 587-592.
Record-sized tortoises, Testudo graeca ibera and Testudo hermanni boettgeri, from Bulgaria. VLADIMIR A BESHKOV. P. 593-596.
Reproductive biology and demography of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) from the western portion of their range. KELLEY R. SMITH, JANIE A. HURLEY, AND RICHARD A SEIGEL. P. 596-600.
Decline on the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, nesting on Senri Beach in Minabe, Wakayama, Japan. KATSUFUMI SATO, TAKEHARU BANDO, YOSHIMASA MATSUZAWA, HIDEJI TANAKA, WATARU SAKAMOTO, SHINGO MINIMAKAWA, AND KIYOSHI GOTO. P. 600-603.
A comparison of plastral scute lengths among members of the box turtle genera Cuora and Terrapene. CARL H. ERNST, JEFFREY E. LOVICH, ARNDT F. LAEMMERZAHL, AND STEVE SEKSCIENSKI. P. 603-607.
An ecotourism initiative to increase awareness and protection of marine turtles in Brazil: the Turtle by Night Program. CLAUDIA FIGUEIREDO VIEITAS AND MARIA ANGELA MARCOVALDI. P. 607-610.
An anomalous specimen of Pelusios sinuatus lacking mesoplastra. DONALD G. BROADLEY. P 610-611.
Characteristics of hibernacula use by spotted turtles, Clemmys guttata, in Ohio. TIMOTHY L. LEWIS AND JOHN RITZENTHALER. P. 611-615.
Observations of reproductive behavior of male green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at a nesting beach in Cyprus.ANNETTE C. BRODERICK AND BRENDAN J. GODLEY. P. 615-616.
Kachuga sylhetensis recorded from northern Bengal, with notes on turtles of Gorumara National Park, eastern India. INDRANEIL DAS. P. 616-617.
Galápagos tortoise nomenclature: still unresolved. GEORGE R. ZUG. P. 618-619.
Commentaries and Reviews
Galápagos tortoise nomenclature: a reply. PETER C.H. PRITCHARD. P. 619-621.
In Memorium. A man to envy: James J. Parsons, 1915-1997. DAVID R. STODDART. P 621-622.
Linneaus Fund Research Reports
Molecular phylogeography of the western pond turtle (Clemmys marmorata): preliminary results. FREDRIC J. JANZEN, STACIA L. HOOVER, AND H. BRADLEY SHAFFER. P. 623-626.
Reptiles of the Autonomous Republic of Turkmenistan. CHARY A. ATAEV. [1985]. Translated from Russian by BALÁZS FARKAS, arranged by JAMES R. BUSKIRK. P. 627-634.