Taxonomic Turtle Literature
The following Bibliography plans to list all primary descriptive taxonomic literature on turtles, i.e., new descriptions and namings of species and subspecies, genera, and suprageneric groupings, including both living modern turtles and fossil turtles. It will not list references that only include nomina nuda or ex errore misspellings. Papers that redescribe or revise existing taxa and/or simply provide new genus/species combinations are not listed here unless they also include new nomenclature. Downloadable pdf’s of these articles will be gradually accumulated and linked to this bibliography. Use of these pdf’s is strictly for non-commercial purposes for the use of individual researchers working on turtle systematics and conservation.
Though relatively complete for all modern turtle descriptions and older fossil turtle literature, the bibliography is not as up-to-date for recent fossil papers. We would be most grateful if any references missing from this list could be pointed out to us ([email protected]), and pdf’s sent for inclusion here. Also, if you have pdf’s of any references listed here that do not yet have pdf’s associated with them, please share them so that we can post them here. Thank you.
Adler, K.K. 1962. A new name for a Chinese turtle, genus Clemmys. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 20(2):135.
Agassiz, L. 1849. Atlantochelys mortoni. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 4(8):169.
Agassiz, L. 1857. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. First Monograph. Volume I. Part I. Essay on Classification. Part II. North American Testudinata. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., pp. 1-452.
Agassiz, L. 1857. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. First Monograph. Volume II. Part III. Embryology of the Turtle. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., pp. 451-643.
Ahl, E. 1932. Beschreibung einer neuen Schildkröte aus Australien. Sitzungsber. Ger. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin 1932(1/3):127-129.
Ameghino, F. 1900. L’age des formations sedimentaires de Patagonie. An. Soc. Ci. Argentina 50: 109-130, 145-165, 209-229; 51: 20-39, 65-91; 52: 189-197, 244-250; 54: 161-180, 220-249, 283-342.
Anderson, J. 1879 [1878]. Anatomical and Zoological Researches, Comprising an Account of the Zoological Results of the Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875. London: Bernard Quaritch, Vol. I, 985 pp., Vol. II, plates.
Andrews, C.W. 1900. On a new species of chelonian (Podocnemis aegyptiaca) from the lower Miocene of Egypt. Geol. Mag. London 7:1-2.
Andrews, C.W. 1914. On the lower Miocene vertebrates from British East Africa, collected by Dr. Felix Oswald. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 70:163-186.
Andrews, C.W. 1919. A description of a new species of zeuglodont and of leathery turtle from the Eocene of southern Nigeria. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1919:309-319.
Andrews, C.W. 1920. Notes on two new species of fossil tortoises. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)5:145-150.
Andrews, C.W. 1921. On a new chelonian from the Kimmeridge Clay of Swindon. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)7:145-153.
Annandale, N. 1906. Testudo baluchiorum, a new species. J. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 2(3):75-76.
Annandale, N. 1912. The Indian mud-turtles (Trionychidae). Records of the Indian Museum 7(2):151-180.
Annandale, N. 1912. The aquatic chelonia of the Mahanaddi and its tributaries. Rec. Indian Mus. 7(3):261-266.
Annandale, N. 1913. The tortoises of Chota Nagpur. Records Indian Mus. 9(5):63-78.
Annandale, N. 1915. Herpetological notes and descriptions. Rec. Indian Mus. 11(19):341-347.
Annandale, N. 1915. Notes on some Indian Chelonia. Rec. Indian Mus. 11(11):189-195.
Annandale, N. 1918. Chelonia and Batrachia of the Inlé Lake. Rec. Indian Mus. 14:67-69.
Antenbrink-Vetter, S. and Vetter, H. 1998. Neuer Name für altbekannte Schildkröten. Schildkröten II/98:3-5.
Archibald, J.D. and Hutchison, J.H. 1979. Revision of the genus Palatobaena (Testudines, Baenidae), with the description of a new species. Postilla 177:1-19.
Arthaber, G.V. 1898. Uber Trionyx rostratus nov. spec. von Au am Leithagebirge. Beitr. Geol. Pal. Österr. Ung. 11:179-198.
Auffenberg, W. 1962. A new species of Geochelone from the Pleistocene of Texas. Copeia 1962(3):627-636.
Auffenberg, W. 1963. Fossil testudinine turtles of Florida. Genera Geochelone and Floridemys. Bull. Fla. State Mus. Biol. Sci. 7(2):53-97.
Auffenberg, W. 1964. A new fossil tortoise from the Texas Miocene, with remarks on the probable geologic history of tortoises in eastern U.S. Texas Mem. Mus. Pearce-Sellards Ser. 3:1-10.
Auffenberg, W. 1966. A new species of Pliocene tortoise, genus Geochelone, from Florida. J. Paleontol. 40(4):877-882.
Auffenberg, W. 1971. A new fossil tortoise with remarks on the origin of South American Testudinines. Copeia 1971(1):106-117
Auffenberg, W. 1988. A new species of Geochelone (Testudinata: Testudinidae) from the Pleistocene of Florida (U.S.A.). Acta Zool. Cracov. 31(11-27): 591-604.
Babcock, H.L. 1937. A new subspecies of the red-bellied terrapin Pseudemys rubriventris (LeConte). Occasional Papers of the Boston Society for Natural History 8:293.
Bachmayer, F. 1957. Ein fossiler Schildkrötenrest (Clemmys ukoi nov. spec.) aus oberpannonischen Süsswasserablagerungen vom Gramatneusiedl Hg. (südl. Wiener Becken). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 61:78-89.
Bachmayer, F., Brinkerink, J.P., and Symeonidis, N. 1976. Pleistozäne Schildkröten aus Höhlen der Insel Kreta. Ann. Geol. Pays Hell. 27:100-120.
Baird, S.F. and Girard, C. 1852. Descriptions of new species of reptiles, collected by the U.S. Exploring Expedition under the command of Capt. Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. First Part.—Including the species from the western coast of America. Proceedings of the Acadademy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1852:174-177.
Barbour, T. 1935. A new Pseudemys from Cat Island, Bahamas. Occasional Papers Boston Society of Natural History 8:205-206.
Barbour, T. and Carr, A.F., Jr. 1938. Another Bahamian fresh-water tortoise. Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club 17:75-76.
Barbour, T. and Carr, A.F., Jr. 1940. Antillean terrapins. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 54(5):381-415.
Barbour, T. and Carr, A.F., Jr. 1941. Terrapin from Grand Cayman. Proceedings of the New England Zoology Club 18:57-60.
Bartlett, E. 1895. Notes on the chelonians, tortoises, and turtles found in Borneo and the adjacent islands. [2]. Sarawak Gazette, 1 Feb 1895:29-30.
Bate, D.M.A. 1914. On remains of a gigantic land tortoise (Testudo gymnesicus n. sp.) from the Pleistocene of Menorca. Geol. Mag., n.s. 1:100-107.
Batsch, A.J.G.C. 1796. Umriss der gesammten Naturgeschichte. Jena: Christian Ernst Gabler, Vol. 1, pp.288.
Baur, G. 1887. [Proganochelys quenstedtii, n.g. and sp. (Foss.) [? = Chelytherium, H. v. Mey.] for Pleurodiran remains from the Keuper of Wurtiemberg.]. ?Versamml. Oberrhein. Geol. Ver. 20: .
Baur, G. 1888. Osteologische Notizen uber Reptilien. (Fortsetzung III). Zool. Anz. 11(285):417-424.
Baur, G. 1890a. Two new species of tortoises from the south. Science 16:262-263.
Baur, G. 1890h. An apparently new species of Chelys. American Naturalist 24:967-968.
Baur, G. 1891. The very peculiar tortoise, Carettochelys Ramsay, from New Guinea. Science 17:190.
Baur, G. 1893a. Notes on the classification and taxonomy of the Testudinata. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 31:210-225.
Baur, G. 1893c. Two new species of North American Testudinata. American Naturalist 27:674-677.
Baur, G. 1896. Der Schädel einer neuen grossen Schildkröte (Adelochelys) aus dem zoologischen Museum in München. Anat. Anz. 12:314-319.
Baur, G. 1925. [Kinosternon abaxillare]. In: Stejneger, L. New species and subspecies of American turtles. Journal of the Washington Academy of Science 15:462-463.
Bechstein, J.M. 1800. Herrn De la Cepede’s Naturgeschichte der Amphibien oder der eyerlegenden vierfuszigen Thiere und der Schlangen. Erster Band. Weimar: Comptoir, pp.524.
Bell, T. 1834. Characters of a new genus of freshwater tortoise (Cyclemys). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1834:17.
Bennett, E.T. Ed. 1836. Gilbert White, The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1933. Sur une nouvelle espece de Testudo du Bassin Lutetien de Palette. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 65(3):508-520.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1935. Contribution à l’étude paléontologique des Chéloniens: Chéloniens fossiles du bassin d’Aquitaine. Mém. Soc. Geol. France, n.s. 25:1-216.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1936. Broilia manuascensis nov. sp., tortue paludine de l’oligocéne de Manosque. Bull. Soc. Géol. France (5)6:59-62.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1936. Thalassochelys lezenensis, tortue nouvelle du nord de la France. Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord Lille 61:35-42.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1938. Archaeochelys pougeti nov. gen., nov. spec., tortue fossile du Permien de l’Aveyron. Bull. Soc. Géol. France (5)8:67-75.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1951. Paralichelys catalaunicus n. sp., de l’oligocène de Catalogne. Ann. Esc. Peritos Agric. etc. Barcelona 10:51-62.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1955. Testudo semenensis nov. sp. du Djebel Semène (Tunisie). Bull. Soc. Sci. Natur. Tunisie 8:145-151.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1957. Temnoclemmys genere nuevo des los cheloniens lacustres des neogeno de Cataluna. Not. Commun. Inst. Geol. Mineral. Espan. 3(47):161-166.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1957. Trachyaspis turbulensis nov. sp., tortue paludine nouvelle de la province de Teruel. Estud. Geol. Madrid 13:279-286.
Bergounioux, F.M. 1957. Temnoclemmys, nouveau genre de chéloniens lacustres du néogene de Catalogne. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 244:1236-1238.
Berry, C.T. and Lynn, W.G. 1936. A new turtle, Peritresius virginianus from the Miocene of Virginia. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. Philadelphia 76:175-190.
Berry, J.F. and Iverson, J.B. 1980. A new species of mud turtle, genus Kinosternon, from Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 14(4):313-320.
Berry, J.F. and Legler, J.M. 1980. A new turtle (genus Kinosternon) from northwestern Mexico. Contrib. Sci. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Ang. County 325:1-12.
Berry, J.F., Seidel, M.E., and Iverson, J.B. 1996. [Kinosternon chimalhuaca]. In: Rogner, M. Schildkröten 2. Hürtgenwald: Heidi-Rogner-Verlag, pp. 23-24.
Berry, J.F., Seidel, M.E., and Iverson, J.B. 1997. A new species of mud turtle (genus Kinosternon) from Jalisco and Colima, Mexico, with notes on its natural history. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(3):329-337.
Bibron, G. and Bory De Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. 1832. Reptiles et poissons. In: Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. Expedition Scientifique de Morée. Paris, 3(1):1-209.
Blainville, H.D. 1816. Prodrome d’une nouvelle distribution systematique du regne animal. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1816:113-124.
Blanck, T., Mccord, W.P., and Le, M. 2006. On the Variability of Cuora trifasciata (Bell, 1825); the rediscovery of the type specimen, with descriptions of a new Cuora species and subspecies, and remarks on the distribution, habitat and vulnerability of these species (Reptilia: Testudines: Geoemydidae). Frankfurt: Edition Chimaira, 153 pp.
Bleeker, P. 1857. Opsomming der soorten van Reptilien, tot dus verre van het eiland Java bekend geworden. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. 14:235-244.
Bleeker, P. 1857. Berigt omtrent eenige Reptilien van Sumatra, Borneo, Batjan en Boero. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. 13:470-475.
Blumenbach, J.F. 1779. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Ed. 1. Part 1. Göttingen: J.C. Dieterich, 448 pp.
Blyth, E. 1853. Notices and descriptions of various reptiles, new or little known. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 22:639-655.
Bocourt, M.-F. 1868. Description de quelques cheloniens nouveaux appartenant a la faune Mexicaine. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. Paris (5)10:121-122.
Boda, A. 1927. Clemmydopsis sopronensis n.g.n.sp., aus der unteren pannonischen Stufe von Sopron in Ungarn. Cbl. Mineral. Stuttgart 1927:375-385.
Bodenheimer, F.S. 1935. Animal Life in Palestine. Jerusalem, 235 pp.
Bohn, P. 1966. Senonemys sümegensis nov. gen., nov. sp. – ein neuer Schildkröten fund aus Ungarn. Foldt. Kozl. 96:111-118.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1830. Tavola Metodica del Tomo Secondo. In: Bonaparte, C.L. Sulla Seconda Edizione del Regno Animale del Barone Cuvier. Osservazioni. Bologna: Marsigli, Ann. Storia Nat. Bologna 4:139-145.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1830. Saggio d’una distribuzione metodica delle Testuggini a piedi digitati, di guscio e labbra cornee (Testudinina), seguito da una enumerazione delle specie dell’Europa e dell’America Settentrionale. In: Bonaparte, C.L. Sulla Seconda Edizione del Regno Animale del Barone Cuvier. Osservazioni. Bologna: Marsigli, Ann. Storia Nat. Bologna 4:145-149.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1830. Testudininarum genera. Accedit synopsis specierum Europae et Americae borealis. In: Bonaparte, C.L. Sulla Seconda Edizione del Regno Animale del Barone Cuvier. Osservazioni. Bologna: Marsigli, Ann. Storia Nat. Bologna 4:150-172.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1830. Sulla Seconda Edizione del Regno Animale del Barone Cuvier. Osservazioni. Ann. Storia Nat. Bologna 4:1-172.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1831. Saggio di una Distribuzione Metodica degli Animali Vertebrati. Rome: Presso Antonio Boulzaler, 144 pp.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1836. Cheloniorum Tabula Analytica. Rome, 9 pp.
Bonaparte, C.L. 1838. Amphibiorum tabula analytica. Nuov. Ann. Sci. Natur. Bologna 1(1):391-393.
Bonnaterre, P.-J. 1789. Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des Trois Règnes de la Nature. Erpétologie. Paris: Panckoucke, Hôtel de Thou, 70 pp.
Boulenger, G.A. 1886. On the South-African tortoises allied to Testudo geometrica. Proc. Zool Soc. Lond. 1886:540-542.
Boulenger, G.A. 1887. On a new family of pleurodiran turtles. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)19:170-172.
Boulenger, G.A. 1888. On the chelydoid chelonians of New Guinea. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova (2)6:449-452.
Boulenger, G.A. 1888. Description of a new land-tortoise from South Africa, from a specimen living in the Society’s Gardens. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1888:251.
Boulenger, G.A. 1889. Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History). London: Trustees of the Museum, 311 pp.
Boulenger, G.A. 1891. On the skull of an extinct land-tortoise from Mauritius indicating a new species (Testudo microtympanum). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1891:4-5.
Boulenger, G.A. 1895. On the American box turtles. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)15:330-331.
Boulenger, G.A. 1895. Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal Cap. V. Bottego durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii della Societa Geographica Italiana. Risultati zoologici. Rettili e Batraci. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova (2)15:9-18.
Boulenger, G.A. 1897. Description of a new tortoise of the genus Sternothaerus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1897:919.
Boulenger, G.A. 1897. Description of a new genus and species of tortoise from Borneo. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)19:468-469.
Boulenger, G.A. 1902. Descriptions of new batrachians and reptiles from northwestern Ecuador. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)9:51-57.
Boulenger, G.A. 1906. Descriptions of new reptiles from Yunnan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)17:567-568.
Boulenger, G.A. 1907. A new tortoise from Travancore. J. Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc. 17:560-564.
Boulenger, G.A. 1913. On a collection of batrachians and reptiles made by Dr. H. G. F. Spurrell, F.Z.S., in the Choco, Colombia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1913(4):1019-1038.
Boulenger, G.A. 1920. Une tortue extraordinaire: Testudo loveridgii, sp.n. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 170:263-266.
Boulenger, G.A. 1921. Description of a new land tortoise from northern Persia. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 27:251-252.
Bour, R. 1978. Les tortues des Mascareignes; description d’une espèce nouvelle d’après un document (Mémoires de l’Académie) de 1737 dans lequel le crâne est figuré. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 287D:491-493.
Bour, R. 1981. Etude systematique du genre endemique malgache Pyxis Bell, 1827 (Reptilia, Chelonii). Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 50:132-176.
Bour, R. 1984. Note sur Pelusios williamsi Laurent, 1965 (Chelonii, Pelomedusinae). Rev. Fr. Aquariol. 11:27-32.
Bour, R. 1996. Une nouvelle espèce de tortue terrestre dans le Péloponnèse (Grèce). Dumerilia 2(1995)[1996]:23-54.
Bour, R. 2000. Une nouvelle espèce de Pelusios du Gabon (Reptilia, Chelonii, Pelomedusidae). Manouria 3(8):1-32.
Bour, R. and Dubois, A. 1984. Nomenclature ordinale et familiale des tortues (Reptilia). In: Broin, France de and E. Jiminez-Fuentes (Eds.). Studia Geologica Salmanticensia Vol. Esp. 1. Studia Palaeocheloniologica I:77-86.
Bour, R. and Maran, J. 1998. Taxinomie de Mauremys leprosa (Schweigger, 1812) dans le sud du Maroc: la "tortue aux yeux bleus" (Reptilia, Chelonii, Geoemydidae). Manouria 1(2):22-52.
Bour, R. and Maran, J. 2003. Une nouvelle espèce de Pelusios de Côte d’Ivoire (Reptilia, Chelonii, Pelomedusidae). Manouria 6(21):24-43.
Bourret, R. 1939a. Notes herpetologiques sur l’Indochine française. XVI. Tortues de la collection du Laboratoire des Sciences Naturelles de l’Universite. Description d’une espece nouvelle. Annexe Bull. Gen. Instr. Publ. 1939:1-34.
Bourret, R. 1939b. Notes herpetologiques sur l’Indochine française. XVIII. Reptiles et batraciens recus au Laboratoire des Sciences Naturelles de l’Université au cours de l’année 1939. Descriptions de quatre espéces et d’une variété nouvelles. Annexe Bull. Gen. Instr. Publ. 1939:1-40.
Bourret, R. 1941. Notes herpetologiques sur l’Indochine française. XXI. Reptiles et batraciens recus au Laboratoire des Sciences Naturelles de l’Universite au cours de l’année 1940. Description d’une espéce fossile nouvelle. Annexe Bull. Gen. Instr. Publ. 1941:1-16.
Bourret, R. 1942. Notes herpetologiques sur l’Indochine francaise. XXII. Reptiles et batrachiens recus au Laboratoire des Sciences Naturelles de l’Universite au cours de l’année 1941. Description d’une espece et d’une variete nouvelles. Bull. Instr. Publ. Hanoi 1942:1-32.
Brandt, J.F. 1857. Observationes quadam ad generis Trionychum species duas novas spectantes. Bull. Acad. Imper. Sci. St. Petersbourg Cl. Phys.-Mathemat. 16:110-111
Brattstrom, B.H. 1961. Some new fossil tortoises from western North America with remarks on the zoogeography and paleontology of tortoises. J. Paleontol. 35:543-560.
Brattstrom, B.H. and Sturn, A. 1959. A new species of fossil turtle from the Pliocene of Oregon, with notes on other fossil Clemmys from western North America. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 58:65-71.
Brimley, C.S. 1928. Two new terrapins of the genus Pseudemys from the southern states. J. Elisha Mitch. Sci. Soc. 44:66-69.
Brinkman, D.B. and Peng, J.-H. 1993. New material of Sinemys (Testudines, Sinemydidae) from the Early Cretaceous of China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30:2139-2152.
Broadley, D.G. 1981. A review of the genus Pelusios Wagler in southern Africa (Pleurodira: Pelomedusidae). Occas. Pap. Nat. Mus. Rhodesia B. Nat. Sci. 6(9):633-686.
Broin, F.D. 1973. Une espece nouvelle de tortue pleurodire (? Roxochelys vilavilensis n.sp.) dans le Cretace superieur de Bolivie. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (7)13(1971):445-452.
Broin, F.D. 1977. Contribution a l’etude des cheloniens. Cheloniens continentaux du Cretace et du Tertiaire de France. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Ser. C Sci. Terr. 38:1-366.
Broin, F.D. 1987. Lower vertebrates from the early-middle Eocene Kuldana Formation of Kohat (Pakistan): Chelonia. Univ. Mich. Cont. Vert. Paleont. 27:169-185.
Broin, F.D. and De La Fuente, M.S. 1993. Les tortues fossiles d’Argentine: synthèse. Ann. Paléontol. 79(3):169-231.
Brongniart, A. 1799. Essai d’une classification naturelle des reptiles. [1]. Mag. Encycl. J. Sci. Lett. Art. 5(6):184-201.
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Buckeridge, J.S. 1981. A marine turtle (Cheloniidae) from the lower Miocene of Port Waikato, New Zealand. New Zeal. J. Geol. Geophys. 24:435-437.
Cagle, F.R. 1954. Two new species of the genus Graptemys. Tulane Studies in Zoology 1(11):167-186.
Caldwell, D.K. 1962. Sea turtles in Baja California waters (with special reference to those of the Gulf of California), and the description of a new subspecies of northeastern Pacific green turtle. Los Angeles County Contr. Sci. 61:1-31.
Calligaris, R. 1988. I rettili fossili degli strati calcarei ittiolitici di comeno e dell’isola di Lesina. Atti Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Trieste 41(1): 85-125.
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Cann, J. 1997. Irwin’s turtle. Monitor (J. Victorian Herp. Soc.) 9(1):36-40, 31-32.
Cann, J. 1997. Kuchlings turtle. Monitor (J. Victorian Herp. Soc.) 9(1):41-44, 32.
Cann, J. 1998. Australian Freshwater Turtles. Singapore: Beaumont Publ., 292 pp.
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Cantor, T. 1842. General features of Chusan, with remarks on the flora and fauna of that island. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (1)9:265-278,361-370,481-493.
Cantor, T. 1847. Catalogue of reptiles inhabiting the Malayan peninsula and islands. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 16:607-656, 897-952, 1026-1078.
Carpenter, K. and Bakker, R.T. 1990. A new latest Jurassic vertebrate fauna, from the highest levels of the Morrison Formation at Como Bluff, Wyoming with comments on Morrison biochronology. Part 2. A new baenid turtle. Hunteria 2(6):3-4,16.
Carr, A.F., Jr. 1937. A new turtle from Florida, with notes on Pseudemys floridana mobiliensis (Holbrook). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan 348:1-7.
Carr, A.F., Jr. 1938. Pseudemys nelsoni, a new turtle from Florida. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History 8:305-310.
Carr, A.F., Jr. 1938. A new subspecies of Pseudemys floridana with notes on the floridana complex. Copeia 1938(3):105-109.
Carr, A.F., Jr. 1942. A new Pseudemys from Sonora, Mexico. American Museum Novitates 1181:1-4.
Carr, A.F., Jr. and Marchand, L.J. 1942. A new turtle from the Chipola River, Florida. Proceedings of the New England Zoology Club 20:95-100.
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Chen, G. 1983. Chelonian fossils from Xinzhou Basin of Hubei Province. Vertebrata Palasiatica (1):42-48.
Cheng, A.-W. 1961. A new anosteirine turtle from Linchu, Shantung. Vertebr. Palasiat. 5:273-277.
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