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Rhodin Publications and Reprints



(Turtle-related publications only, listed chronologically;
available as downloadable pdf’s noted with highlighting,
new pdf’s being added gradually)

[for a listing of Anders Rhodin’s non-turtle publications with available pdf’s, click here]

1.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1974. Pathological lithophagy in Testudo horsfieldi. Journal of Herpetology 8(4):385–386.

2.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1974. På jakt efter Kinosternon angustipons, centralamerikas sällsyntaste sköldpadda. [In search of Kinosternon angustipons, Central America’s rarest turtle]. Snoken – National Swedish Herpetological Association 4(5):6–8. [In Swedish]

3.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1975. Användning av gentamicin sulfat (Garamycin – Schering) för ögoninflammationer hos sköldpaddor. [The use of gentamicin sulfate (Garamycin – Schering) for eye infections in turtles]. Snoken – National Swedish Herpetological Association 5(5):200–203. [In Swedish]

4.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1976. Chelodina parkeri, a new species of chelid turtle from New Guinea, with a discussion of Chelodina siebenrocki Werner, 1901. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 147(11):465–488.

5.    RHODIN, SUSAN DESANCTIS, PATRICIA G. HANELINE, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1976. Skeletal preparation of herpetological specimens. Herpetological Review 7(4):169–170.

6.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and MIRIAM R. ANVER. 1977. Mycobacteriosis in turtles:  cutaneous and hepatosplenic involvement in a Phrynops hilari. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 13(2):180–183.

7.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1977. Neural bones in chelid turtles from Australia and New Guinea. Copeia 1977(2):370–372.

8.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and SUSAN DESANCTIS RHODIN. 1977. Iakttagelser från en herpetologisk samlingsresa till Papua New Guinea. [Observations from a herpetological collecting trip to Papua New Guinea]. Snoken – National Swedish Herpetological Association 7(2/3):65–72. [In Swedish] 

9.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and SUSAN DESANCTIS RHODIN. 1977. Iagttagelser fra en herpetologisk indsamlingsrejse til Papua, New Guinea. [Observations from a herpetological collecting trip to Papua New Guinea]. Nordisk Herpetologisk Førening (Denmark) 20(10):245–253. [In Danish]

10.    MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A., ANDERS G.J RHODIN, FEDERICO MEDEM, PEKKA SOINI, MARINUS S. HOOGMOED, and NELLY CARRILLO DE ESPINOZA. 1978. Distribution of the South American chelid turtle Phrynops gibbus, with observations on habitat and reproduction. Herpetologica 34(1):94–100.

11.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1978. På jagt efter Kinosternon angustipons, Centralamerikas sjaeldneste skildpadde. [In search of Kinosternon angustipons, Central America’s rarest turtle]. Nordisk Herpetologisk Førening (Denmark) 21(3):74–77. [In Danish]

12.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1978. Mortalitet och livslängd av sköldpaddor i fångenskap – analys av resultat efter fem års personlig erfarenhet. [Mortality and longevity of turtles in captivity – analysis of results after five years personal experience]. Snoken – National Swedish Herpetological Association 8(2):65–69. [In Swedish]

13.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1978. Checklist of turtles of the world including major synonymies. Private Distribution, 11 pp.

14.    FRAIR, WAYNE, RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1978. Blood biochemistry and relations among Podocnemis turtles (Pleurodira, Pelomedusidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 61B(1):139–143.

15.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, ALFRED L. GARDNER, and FEDERICO MEDEM. 1978. Karyotypic analysis of the Podocnemis turtles. Copeia 1978(4):723–728.

16.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and SYLVIA SPRING. 1979. Vernacular names of turtles in the New Guinea area. Wildlife in Papua New Guinea 79(3):1–16.

17.    MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A., FEDERICO MEDEM, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1980. Vernacular names of South American turtles. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Herpetological Circulars No. 10, 44 pp.

18.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., SYLVIA SPRING, and PETER C.H. PRITCHARD. 1980. Glossary of turtle vernacular names used in the New Guinea region. Journal of the Polynesian Society 89(1):105–117.

19.    CONLOGUE, GERALD J. and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1980. Whales – porpoises – seals – sea turtles:  stranding and salvage network. Connecticut Herpetological Society Newsletter 1980(Nov):3.

20.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., JOHN A. OGDEN, and GERALD J. CONLOGUE. 1980. Preliminary studies on skeletal morphology of the leatherback turtle. Marine Turtle Newsletter 16:7-9.

21.    MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A., ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, ROBERTO DA ROCHA E SILVA, and NELSON ARAUJO DE OLIVEIRA. 1980. Rare Brazilian sideneck turtle. Oryx 15(5):473-475.

22.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., JOHN A. OGDEN, and GERALD J. CONLOGUE. 1981. Chondro-osseous morphology of Dermochelys coriacea, a marine reptile with mammalian skeletal features. Nature 290(5803):244-246.

23.    OGDEN, JOHN A., ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, GERALD J. CONLOGUE, and TERRY R. LIGHT. 1981. Pathobiology of septic arthritis and contiguous osteomyelitis in a leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 17(2):277-287.

24.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1981. Chaco sideneck turtle, Platemys pallidipectoris Freiberg 1945. In:  GROOMBRIDGE, BRIAN. Extracts from:  IUCN Red Data Book for Amphibia and Reptilia. Cambridge:  Conservation Monitoring Centre, p. 35.

25.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., FEDERICO MEDEM, and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1981. The occurrence of neustophagia among podocnemine turtles. British Journal of Herpetology 6(5):175-176.

26.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and ROBERTO DA ROCHA E SILVA. 1982. Distribution and taxonomic status of Phrynops hogei, a rare chelid turtle from southeastern  Brazil. Copeia 1982(1):179-181.

27.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and ROBERT C. SCHOELKOPF. 1982. Reproductive data on a female leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, stranded in New Jersey. Copeia 1982(1):181-183.

28.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and HOBART M. SMITH. 1982. The original authorship and type specimen of Dermochelys coriacea. Journal of Herpetology 16(3):316-317.

29.    ROSE, MARK R., FRED PARKER, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1982. New Guinea plateless turtle or pitted shell turtle (Fly River or pig-nosed turtle), Carettochelys insculpta Ramsay 1886. In:  GROOMBRIDGE, BRIAN. The IUCN Amphibia – Reptilia Red Data Book, Part 1. Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. Gland:  International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, pp. 243-246.

30.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1982. Dahl’s toad-headed turtle, Phrynops dahli Zangerl and Medem 1958. In:  GROOMBRIDGE, BRIAN. The IUCN Amphibia – Reptilia Red Data Book, Part 1. Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. Gland:  International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, pp. 269-270.

31.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1982. Hoge’s sideneck turtle, Phrynops hogei Mertens 1967. In:  GROOMBRIDGE, BRIAN. The IUCN Amphibia – Reptilia Red Data Book, Part 1. Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. Gland:  International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, p. 271.

32.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1982. Red-headed sideneck turtle, Phrynops rufipes (Spix 1824). In:  GROOMBRIDGE, BRIAN. The IUCN Amphibia – Reptilia Red Data Book, Part 1. Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. Gland:  International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, pp. 273-274.

33.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1982. Chaco sideneck turtle, Platemys pallidipectoris Freiberg 1945. In:  GROOMBRIDGE, BRIAN. The IUCN Amphibia – Reptilia Red Data Book, Part 1. Testudines, Crocodylia, Rhynchocephalia. Gland:  International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, p. 275.

34.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1983. Conservation and status of chelid turtles:  FCSG sub-group report – IUCN/SSC Meetings, Kuala Lumpur. IUCN/SSC Freshwater Chelonian Group Newsletter 5:  In:  Hamadryad – Newsletter of the Madras Snake Park Trust 8(1):43-44.

35.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1983. Description of Phrynops williamsi, a new species of chelid turtle of the South American P. geoffroanus complex. In:  RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and KENNETH MIYATA (Editors). Advances in Herpetology and Evolutionary Biology. Essays in Honor of Ernest E. Williams. Cambridge, Massachusetts:  Museum of Comparative Zoology, pp. 58-73.

36.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, and ROBERT P. REYNOLDS. 1983. Statusrapport för Galapagos jättesköldpaddor, Geochelone elephantopus, med anmärkningar om G. e. ephippium på Duncan. [Status report for Galapagos giant tortoises, Geochelone elephantopus, with observations on G. e. ephippium on Duncan]. Snoken – National Swedish Herpetological Association 13(3):67-72. [In Swedish]

37.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and J. ROBERT McMORRIS. 1984. Platemys macrocephala, a new species of chelid turtle from central Bolivia and the Pantanal region of Brazil. Herpetologica 40(1):38-46.

38    BERRY, FREDERICK H., LARRY OGREN, RODERIC MAST, SALLY HOPKINS, JAMES RICHARDSON, ROSS WITHAM, FRANK SCHWARTZ, HENRY HILDEBRAND, NANCY THOMPSON, THERESA WILSON, STEVE SHABICA, ROBERT SHIPP, JACK MUSICK,  RICHARD BYLES, ROBERT SCHOELKOPF, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN,  ROBERT SHOOP, ROBERT PRESCOTT, LLEWELLYN EHRHART, and JOHN R. FLETEMEYER. 1984. The national report for the country of United States of America. In:  BACON, PETER, FRED BERRY, KAREN BJORNDAL, HAROLD HIRTH, LARRY OGREN, and MICHAEL WEBER (Editors). Proceedings of the Western Atlantic Turtle Symposium, Vol. 3. Symposium on Sea Turtle Research of the Western Atlantic (Populations and Socioeconomics). Miami:  University of Miami Press, pp. 423-488.

39.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1984. The incidence of spinal deformities in marine turtles, with notes on the prevalence of kyphosis in Indonesian Chelonia mydas. British Journal of Herpetology 6(10):369-373.

40.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., ROBERTO DA ROCHA E SILVA, and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1984. Distribution of the South American chelid turtles Platemys radiolata and P. spixii. Copeia 1984(3):780-786.

41.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and TONYA LARGY. 1984. Prehistoric occurrence of the redbelly turtle (Pseudemys rubriventris) at Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Herpetological Review 15(4):107.

42.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1985. Life history notes. Kinosternon subrubrum steindachneri (Florida mud turtle). Pathology. Herpetological Review 16(1):30. 

43.    McBEE, KAREN, JOHN W. BICKHAM, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1985. Karyotypic variation in the genus Platemys (Testudines: Pleurodira). Copeia 1985(2):445-449.

44.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1985. Comparative chondro-osseous development and growth of marine turtles. Copeia 1985(3):752-771.

45.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1985. Status and taxonomic relationships of South American chelid turtles. American Philosophical Society Grantee’s Reports 1984:41,291-293.

46.    HONEGGER, RENÉ E., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1985. Species accounts for Erymnochelys madagascariensis, Peltocephalus tracaxus, Podocnemis erythrocephala, Podocnemis expansa, Podocnemis lewyana, Podocnemis sextuberculata, Podocnemis unifilis, Podocnemis vogli, and key to juvenile Erymnochelys, Peltocephalus, and Podocnemis.  In:  DOLLINGER, P. (Ed.). Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Identification Manual. Volume 3:  Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces. Lausanne:  Secretariat for the Convention, CODE A-301.009.001.001 – 301.009.005.006, pp. 18.

47.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1986. Analysis of prehistoric turtle bone remains from Cedar Swamp, Westborough, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Archaeological Quarterly 8(2):2-9. 

48.    SMITH, HOBART M. and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1986. Authorship of the scientific name of the leatherback sea turtle. Journal of Herpetology 20(3):450-451.

49.    DERR, JAMES N., JOHN W. BICKHAM, IRA F. GREENBAUM, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1987. Biochemical systematics and evolution in the South American turtle genus Platemys (Pleurodira: Chelidae). Copeia 1987(2):370-375.

50.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and JAMES R. BUSKIRK. 1988. Phrynops williamsi. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 439:1-2.

51.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1989. Phylogenetic relationships of the side-necked turtle family Chelidae [Abstract]. First World Congress of Herpetology Abstracts, p. 248.

52.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1989. Phylogenetic implications of chondro-osseous vascularity and skeletal growth patterns of turtles [Abstract]. First World Congress of Herpetology Abstracts, p. 248.

53.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and CARL H. ERNST. 1990. Acanthochelys macrocephala. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 481:1-2.

54.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and WILLIAM P. McCORD. 1990. Reproductive data on the chelid turtle Chelodina siebenrocki from New Guinea. Herpetological Review 21(3):51-52.

55.    REED, KENT M., BRIAN G. HANKS, JOHN W. BICKHAM, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, IRA F. GREENBAUM, RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and LUIZ P. FEDULLO. 1991. Cytogenetic analysis of the pleurodine turtle Phrynops hogei and its taxonomic implications. Amphibia-Reptilia 12(2):203-212.

56.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1992. Chelonian zooarchaeology of eastern New England: turtle bone remains from Cedar Swamp and other prehistoric sites. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 53(1):21-30.

57.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1992. The turtles of Mount Desert Island, Maine: field research update, 1991 season. Submitted to National Park Service and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Private Distribution, pp.5.

58.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1992. Chelid turtle diversity in the New Guinean region [Abstract]. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Abstracts, p.77.

59.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1992. Studies on the turtles of Mount Desert Island: combining zoology, geology and archaeology. Bar Harbor Times 80(15) (17 Sept 1992):B17.

60.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1992. MDI, Lower West Bay Pond painted turtle research. Frenchman Bay Conservancy Newsletter 8:2-4.

61.    BURKE, VINCENT J., STEPHEN J. MORREALE, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1993. Life history notes: Lepidochelys kempii (Kemp’s ridley sea turtle) and Caretta caretta (loggerhead sea turtle). Diet. Herpetological Review 24(1):31-32.

62.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1993. The turtles of Mount Desert Island, Maine: summary of research results, 1991-1992, with analysis of painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) systematics and natural history in New England. Report submitted to Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and National Park Service, Acadia National Park, pp. 51.

63.    PRITCHARD, PETER C.H. and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN (Editors). 1993. Preliminary Extracts From: The Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles. IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Specialist Group, Private Distribution, pp. 103.

64.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1993. Chelodina reimanni Philippen and Grossman 1990, Reimann’s snake-necked turtle. In: PRITCHARD, PETER C.H. and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN (Eds.). Preliminary Extracts From: The Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles. IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Specialist Group, Private Distribution, pp. 2.

65.    MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A., JOHN L. CARR, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1993. Podocnemis erythrocephala (Spix 1824), red-headed Amazon river turtle. In: PRITCHARD, PETER C.H. and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN (Eds.). Preliminary Extracts From: The Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles. IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Specialist Group, Private Distribution, pp. 2.

66.    BEHLER, JOHN L., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1993. Editorial: a new turtle and tortoise journal. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(1):2.

67.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, and PHILIP M. HALL. 1993. Distribution, osteology, and natural history of the Asian giant softshell turtle, Pelochelys bibroni, in Papua New Guinea. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(1):19-30. 

68.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1993. Range extension for Emydura subglobosa in Papua New Guinea. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(1):47-48.

69.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., KENT R. BEAMAN, and LORI A. DICONZA. 1993. Bibliographic database of chelonian literature established. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(1):64.

70.    RHODIN, JOHANNES A.G., ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, and JAMES R. SPOTILA. 1993. Electron microscopical analysis of cartilage canals and vascular growth in the humerus of leatherback turtle hatchlings, Dermochelys coriacea [Abstract]. Second World Congress of Herpetology, Abstracts, pp. 214-215.

71.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1994a. Chelid turtles of the Australasian Archipelago: I. A new species of Chelodina from southeastern Papua New Guinea. Breviora 497:1-36.

72.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1994b. Chelid turtles of the Australasian Archipelago: II. A new species of Chelodina from Roti Island, Indonesia. Breviora 498:1-31.

73.    BEHLER, JOHN L., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1994. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(2):79.

74.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; and MITTELHAUSER, GLEN H. 1994. Maximum size and clutch size records for eastern painted turtles, Chrysemys picta picta, from mid-coastal Maine. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(2):148-150.

75.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1994c. Biogeography of Chelodina mccordi in relation to the Gondwanaland-Laurasia margin in southeastern Indonesia. The Herpetologists’ League and Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Joint Annual Meeting, University of Georgia, July 28 – August 1, 1994, Abstracts, p. 68.

76.    BEHLER, JOHN L., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1995. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(3):171-172.

77.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1995. Archaeological turtle bone remains from Concord Shell Heap. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 56(2):71-82.

78.    KOCHINSKY, LYLE J., CHRISTINE WONDOLOWSKI, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1995. Neural bone synarthrodial joint infection causing inter-neural synostosis and lordotic spinal deformities in captive-raised sea turtles (Cheloniidae). Herpetopathologia 2(2):105-120.

79.    BEHLER, JOHN L., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1996. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(1):3-4.

80.    MITCHELL, JOSEPH C. and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1996. Observations on the natural history and exploitation of the turtles of Nepal, with life history notes on Melanochelys trijuga. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(1):66-72.

81.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. (Series Editor). 1996. Pritchard, Peter C.H. The Galápagos Tortoises: Nomenclatural and Survival Status. Chelonian Research Monographs 1:1-85.

82.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1996. Tortoises in the mist [turtle poetry]. In: Pritchard, Peter C.H. The Galápagos Tortoises: Nomenclatural and Survival Status. Chelonian Research Monographs 1:9.

83.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1996. Status and conservation of Chelodina mccordi, an isolated and restricted freshwater turtle from Roti Island, Indonesia. In: Devaux, Bernard (Ed.). Proceedings – International Congress of Chelonian Conservation. Gonfaron, France: Editions SOPTOM, p. 67.

84.    BEHLER, JOHN L., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1996. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(2):139-140.

85.    RHODIN, JOHANNES A.G., ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, and JAMES R. SPOTILA. 1996. Electron microscopic analysis of vascular cartilage canals in the humeral epiphysis of hatchling leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(2):250-260.

86.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. (Editor). 1996. Rondelet, Guillaume. [1554]. Books on Marine Fish, in which True Figures of the Fish are Presented. Book XVI. Chapters II–V. On Turtles. Translated from Latin and annotated by Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., arranged and edited by Anders G.J. Rhodin. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(2):287-302.

87.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and BRIAN O. BUTLER. 1997. The painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) of New England: taxonomy, morphometrics, and reproduction. In: Tyning, Thomas F. (Ed.). Status and Conservation of Turtles of the Northeastern United States. Lanesboro, MN: Serpent’s Tale, pp. 34-40.

88.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, JOHN L. BEHLER, and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1997. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(3):327-328.

89.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, JOHN L. BEHLER, and RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER. 1997. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(4):481-482.

90.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., and PETER C.H. PRITCHARD. 1999. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(2):171-172.

91.    WYNEKEN, JEANETTE, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. 1999. Sphincter valves in the pulmonary arteries of turtles [Abstract]. American Zoologist 39(5):480.

92.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1999. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(3):391-392.

93.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 1999. Ancient chelonians [turtle poetry]. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(3):534.

94.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2000. Publisher’s editorial: turtle survival crisis. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 1:2-3.

95.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2000. Powdermill IV: International Freshwater Turtle Conference. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 1:15-16.

96.    LOVICH , JEFFREY E., RUSSELL A. MITTERMEIER, PETER C.H. PRITCHARD, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, and J. WHITFIELD GIBBONS. 2000. Powdermill Conference: trouble for the world’s turtles. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 1:16-17.

97.    RHODIN, JOHANNES A.G., ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, and JAMES R. SPOTILA. 2000. Electron microscopic analysis of vascular cartilage canals in the humeral epiphysis of hatchling leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea. In: Abreu-Grobois, F.A., Briseño-Dueñas, R., Márquez-Millán, R., and Sarti-Martínez, L. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Sea Turtle Symposium (16th Symposium Proceedings Addendum). NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-436, p. 289.

98.    VAN DIJK, PETER PAUL, BRYAN L. STUART, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN. (Editors). 2000. Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia. Chelonian Research Monographs 2:1-164.

99.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and VAGI R. GENORUPA. 2000. Conservation status of freshwater turtles in Papua New Guinea. In: VAN DIJK, P.P., STUART, B.L., AND RHODIN, A.G.J. (Eds.). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia. Chelonian Research Monographs 2:129-136.

100.    VAN DIJK, PETER PAUL, DJOKO T. ISKANDAR, THANIT PALASUWAN, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, SAMEDI, DIONYSIUS S.K. SHARMA, CHRIS R. SHEPHERD, OSWALD BRAKEN TISEN, and VAGI R. GENORUPA. 2000. Turtle trade in southeast Asia: regional summary (Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand). In: VAN DIJK, P.P., STUART, B.L., and RHODIN, A.G.J. (Eds.). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia. Chelonian Research Monographs 2:145-147.

101.    ASIAN TURTLE TRADE WORKING GROUP (INCLUDING ANDERS G.J. RHODIN). 2000. Conclusions and recommendations. In: VAN DIJK, P.P., STUART, B.L., and RHODIN, A.G.J. (Eds.). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia. Chelonian Research Monographs 2:148-155.

102.    IUCN/SSC TORTOISE AND FRESHWATER TURTLE SPECIALIST GROUP and ASIAN TURTLE TRADE WORKING GROUP (INCLUDING ANDERS G.J. RHODIN). 2000. Recommended changes to 1996 IUCN Red List status of Asian turtle species. In: VAN DIJK, P.P., STUART, B.L., and RHODIN, A.G.J. (Eds.). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia. Chelonian Research Monographs 2:156-164.

103.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2000. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(4):553-554.

104.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and JOHN L. BEHLER. 2001. Asian turtle trade: a report from the Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Species – Newsletter of the Species Survival Commission, IUCN – The World Conservation Union 35:9-10.

105.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and JOHN L. BEHLER. 2001. Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Species – Newsletter of the Species Survival Commission, IUCN – The World Conservation Union 35:26-27.

106.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2001. Form and function of patterns of skeletal growth in turtles [Abstract]. Journal of Morphology 248(3):275.

107.     RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2001. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(1):3-4.

108.    LUTCAVAGE, MOLLY, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, SAMUEL S. SADOVE, and CAROL REHM CONROY. 2002. Direct carapacial attachment of satellite tags using orthopedic bioabsorbable mini-anchor screws on leatherback turtles in Culebra, Puerto Rico. Marine Turtle Newsletter 95:9-12. 

109.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2002. Conservation and trade of freshwater turtles and tortoises in Asia: review of status and threats using IUCN Red List and CITES criteria. CITES Technical Workshop on Trade in Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia, Kunming, Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China, 25-28 March 2002. CITES Doc. 3.2, 45 pp.

110.    LUTCAVAGE, MOLLY, ANDERS G.J. RHODIN, SAMUEL S. SADOVE, and CAROL REHM CONROY. 2002. Sujeción directa al caparazón de marcas de satélite utilizando tornillos ortopédicos bioabsorbibles de mini-anclaje en tortugas laúd en Culebra, Puerto Rico. (Direct carapacial attachment of satellite tags using orthopedic bioabsorbable mini-anchor screws on leatherback turtles in Culebra, Puerto Rico.) [In Spanish]. Noticiero de Tortugas Marinas 95:9-12.

111.    TURTLE CONSERVATION FUND [BUHLMANN, KURT A., RICK HUDSON, and ANDERS G.J. RHODIN]. 2002. A Global Action Plan for Conservation of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles. Strategy and Funding Prospectus 2002–2007. Washington, DC: Conservation International and Chelonian Research Foundation, 30 pp.

112.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2002. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(2):247-248.

113.    STARKEY, DAVID E.; SHAFFER, H. BRADLEY; BURKE, RUSSELL L.; FORSTNER, MICHAEL R.J.; IVERSON, JON B.; JANZEN, FREDRIC J.; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; and ULTSCH, GORDON R. 2003. Molecular systematics, phylogeography, and the effects of Pleistocene glaciation in the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) complex. Evolution 57(1):119-128.

114.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2003. Conservation and trade of Asian freshwater turtles and tortoises: updated review of status and threats with recommendations for CITES listings. In: CITES. Conservation and trade in freshwater turtles and tortoises. Addressing recommendations from the Kunming Workshop. CITES AC19 Doc. 15.1, pp. 3-38.

115.    MAST, RODERIC B. and RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2003. Sea turtles. In: Mittermeier, Russell A.; Robles Gil, Patricio; Mittermeier, Cristina G.; Brooks, Thomas; Hoffmann, Michael; Konstant, William R.; da Fonseca, Gustavo A.B.; and Mast, Roderic B. (Eds.). Wildlife Spectacles. Mexico: CEMEX-Agrupacion Sierra Madre-Conservation International, pp. 232-237.

116.    WYNEKEN, JEANETTE; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; GARCES, AMANDA; and RHODIN, JOHANNES A.G. 2003. Cardiopulmonary structure and function in leatherback and green sea turtles [Abstract]. In: Seminoff, Jeffrey A. (compiler). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-503, p. 28.

117.    LUTCAVAGE, MOLLY; ANDREWS, RUSS; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; SADOVE, SAMUEL; CONROY, CAROL REHM; and HORTA, HECTOR. 2003. Post-nesting movements of leatherback turtles tracked from Culebra and Fajardo, Puerto Rico with pop-up archival and TDR satellite tags [Abstract]. In: Seminoff, Jeffrey A. (compiler). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-503, p. 58.

118.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2003. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(3):521-522.

119.    MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A.; BUHLMANN, KURT A.; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; and PRITCHARD, PETER C.H. 2004. On the trail of giant river turtles. Reptiles Magazine 12(4):60-67.

120.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. and BEHLER, JOHN L. 2004. Reptile and Amphibian Specialist Groups: Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle. Species 42:106-107.

121.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; ISKANDAR,  DJOKO T.; KUCHLING, GERALD; GEORGES, ARTHUR; and FITZSIMMONS, NANCY. 2004. Initiation of a species recovery plan for the Critically Endangered endemic Roti snake-neck turtle (Chelodina mccordi Rhodin, 1994), Roti Island, Indonesia. Phase 1. Population status, systematic relationships, and preliminary protected areas assessments. Grant proposal to Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund, 7 pp.

122.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2004. Chelonian Research Foundation Linnaeus Fund: 2003 grant recipients. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 8:26-27.

123.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2004. Turtle Conservation Fund: 2003 and 2004 grant recipients. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 8:27-28.

124.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2005. Turtles in terrible trouble – global threats, conservation action, and hope on the horizon. In: Hiddinga, B. (Ed.). Proceedings of the EAZA Conference 2004, Kolmarden. Amsterdam: EAZA Executive Offices, pp. 38-46.

125.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2005. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(4):757-758.

126.    STUART, BRYAN L.; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; GRISMER, L. LEE; and HANSEL, TROY. 2006. Scientific description can imperil species. Science 312:1137.

127.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2006. Editorial comment. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5(1):1-2.

128.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2006. Publisher’s editorial. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 9:2.

129.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2006. Chelonian Research Foundation Linnaeus Fund: 2004–2005 grant recipients. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 9:5-6.

130.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2006. Turtle Conservation Fund: 2004–2005 grant recipients. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 9:6.

131.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. (Series Editor). 2006. Meylan, Peter A. (Editor). Biology and Conservation of Florida Turtles. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 3, 376 pp.

132.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2006. Turtles and humans in Florida and the World: a global perspective on diversity, threats, and economic development. In: Meylan, Peter A. (Ed.). Biology and Conservation of Florida Turtles. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 3, pp. 18-27.

133.    LUTCAVAGE, MOLLY; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; and SADOVE, SAMUEL S. 2007. Development of orthopedic carapacial attachment of satellite tags and PSATs on leatherback turtles [Abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 58th Tuna Conference, Lake Arrowhead, California, p. 25.

134.    SEMINOFF, JEFFREY A.; PALADINO, FRANK V.; and RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.  2007. Refocusing on leatherbacks: conservation challenges and signs of success. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 6(1):1-6.

135.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2007. Culebra leatherbacks [turtle poetry]. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 6(1):159.

136.    QUINN, HUGH and RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2007. Turtle Conservation Fund: a five year history. Turtle Survival Alliance Newsletter 2007(August): 38. 

137.    RUEDA-ALMONACID, JOSÉ VICENTE; CARR, JOHN L.; MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A.; RODRÍGUEZ-MAHECHA, JOSÉ VICENTE; MAST, RODERIC B.; VOGT, RICHARD C.; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; DE LA OSSA-VELÁSQUEZ, JAIME; RUEDA, JOSÉ N.; and MITTERMEIER, CRISTINA G. 2007. Las tortugas y los cocodrilianos de los países andinos del trópico. (The turtles and crocodilians of the countries of the Tropical Andes.) [In Spanish]. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Panamericana, Formas e Impresos, Serie de guías tropicales de campo No. 6, Conservación Internacional, 538 pp.

138.    SHAFFER, H. BRADLEY; FITZSIMMONS, NANCY N.; GEORGES, ARTHUR; and RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. (Editors). 2007a. Defining Turtle Diversity: Proceedings of a Workshop on Genetics, Ethics, and Taxonomy of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 4, pp. 200.

139.    SHAFFER, H. BRADLEY; FITZSIMMONS, NANCY N.; GEORGES, ARTHUR; and RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2007b. Executive summary. In: Shaffer, H. Bradley, FitzSimmons, Nancy N., Georges, Arthur, and Rhodin, Anders G.J. (Eds.). Defining Turtle Diversity: Proceedings of a Workshop on Genetics, Ethics, and Taxonomy of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 4, pp. 13-14.

140.    TURTLE TAXONOMY WORKING GROUP [BICKHAM, JOHN W., PARHAM, JAMES F., PHILIPPEN, HANS-DIETER, RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., SHAFFER, H. BRADLEY, SPINKS, PHILLIP Q., and VAN DIJK, PETER PAUL]. 2007a. Turtle taxonomy: methodology, recommendations, and guidelines. In: Shaffer, H. Bradley, FitzSimmons, Nancy N., Georges, Arthur, and Rhodin, Anders G.J. (Eds.). Defining Turtle Diversity: Proceedings of a Workshop on Genetics, Ethics, and Taxonomy of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 4, pp. 73-84.

141.    TURTLE TAXONOMY WORKING GROUP [BICKHAM, JOHN W., IVERSON, JOHN B., PARHAM, JAMES F., PHILIPPEN, HANS-DIETER, RHODIN, ANDERS G.J., SHAFFER, H. BRADLEY, SPINKS, PHILLIP Q., and VAN DIJK, PETER PAUL]. 2007b. An annotated list of modern turtle terminal taxa with comments on areas of taxonomic instability and recent change. In: Shaffer, H. Bradley, FitzSimmons, Nancy N., Georges, Arthur, and Rhodin, Anders G.J. (Eds.). Defining Turtle Diversity: Proceedings of a Workshop on Genetics, Ethics, and Taxonomy of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 4, pp. 173-199.

142.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2007. Turtle names [turtle poetry].  In: Shaffer, H. Bradley, FitzSimmons, Nancy N., Georges, Arthur, and Rhodin, Anders G.J. (Eds.). Defining Turtle Diversity: Proceedings of a Workshop on Genetics, Ethics, and Taxonomy of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 4, p. 200.

143.    KUCHLING, GERALD; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; IBARRONDO, BONGGI R.; and TRAINOR, COLIN R. 2007. A new subspecies of the snakeneck turtle Chelodina mccordi from Timor-Leste (East Timor) (Testudines: Chelidae). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 6(2):213-222. 

144.    SNOVER, MELISSA L. and RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2008. Comparative ontogenetic and phylogenetic aspects of chelonian chondro-osseous growth and skeletochronology. In: Wyneken, Jeanette; Godfrey, Matthew H.; and Bels, Victor. (Eds.). Biology of Turtles. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, pp. 17-43. 

145.    LEUTERITZ, THOMAS E.; GERLACH, JUSTIN; MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A.; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; VAN DIJK, PETER PAUL; LEWIS, RICHARD; and RANDRIAMAHAZO, HERILALA. 2008. Turtles and Tortoises of Madagascar and Adjacent Indian Ocean Islands. Pocket Identification Guide. Conservation International, Tropical Pocket Guide Series, 19 pp. 

Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, doi:10.3854/crm.5, //iucn-tftsg.org/cbftt.

147.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J, IBARRONDO, BONGGI R., AND KUCHLING, GERALD. 2008. Chelodina mccordi Rhodin 1994 – Roti Island snake-necked turtle, McCord’s snake-necked turtle, kura-kura rote. In: Rhodin, Anders G.J., Pritchard, Peter C.H., van Dijk, Peter Paul, Saumure, Raymond A., Buhlmann, Kurt A., and Iverson, John B. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 008.1-008.8, doi:10.3854/crm.5.008.mccordi.v1.2008, //iucn-tftsg.org/cbftt. 

148.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2008. Editorial reflection. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(1):1-2.

149.    QUINN, HUGH, AND RHODIN, ANDERS. 2008. The Turtle Conservation Fund. Turtle Survival Alliance Newsletter 2008:56-58. 

150.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2008. Assessing the world’s tortoises and freshwater turtles. In: Species Survival Commission. Celebrating the past and looking to the future. Species—Newsletter of the Species Survival Commission 49:15-16.

151.    MITTERMEIER, RUSSELL A.; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; RANDRIAMAHAZO, HERILALA; LEWIS, RICHARD E.; VAN DIJK, PETER PAUL; HUDSON, RICK; AND RIOUX PAQUETTE, SÉBASTIEN. 2008. Vision sokatra gasy—Madagascar turtle vision. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 12:7-9.

152.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; VAN DIJK, PETER PAUL; AND PARHAM, JAMES F. 2008. Turtles of the world: annotated checklist of taxonomy and synonymy. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Pritchard, P.C.H., van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., and Iverson, J.B. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 000.1-000.38, doi:10.3854/crm.5.000.checklist.v1.2008, //iucn-tftsg.org/cbftt/.

153.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2009. Threatened status and survival prospects of freshwater turtles of the genus Chelodina from Roti Island, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste. In: Hodges, Kate (Compiler). Biology and Conservation of Australasian Freshwater Turtles. Symposium Abstracts, Brisbane, Australia, 14-15 February 2009. Canberra: Institute for Applied Ecology, p. 20.

154.    SOMMER, ROBERT S.; LINDQVIST, CHARLOTTE; PERSSON, ARNE; BRINGSØE, HENRIK; RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; SCHNEEWEISS, NORBERT; SIROKY, PAVEL; BACHMANN, LUTZ; AND FRITZ, UWE. 2009. Unexpected early extinction of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Sweden and climatic impact on its Holocene range. Molecular Ecology 18:1252-1262.

155.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2009. Comments on the proposed conservation of usage of Testudo gigantea Schweigger, 1812 (currently Geochelone (Aldabrachelys) gigantea; Reptilia, Testudines) (Comment 17). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 66(1):86-87.

156.    QUINN, HUGH R.; and RHODIN, ANDERS G.J. 2009. A global tour of strategic turtle conservation initiatives supported by the Turtle Conservation Fund. Turtle Survival Alliance Newsletter 2009:40-41.

157.    RHODIN, ANDERS G.J.; AND CARR, JOHN L. 2009. A quarter millenium of uses and misuses of the turtle name Testudo scabra: identification of the type specimens of T. scabra Linnaeus 1758 (= Rhinoclemmys punctularia) and T. scripta Thunberg in Schoepff 1792 (= Trachemys scripta scripta). Zootaxa 2226:1-18.

158. Rhodin, Anders G.J. 2009. Editorial update. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 8(2):107-108.

159. Buhlmann, Kurt A.; Akre, Thomas S.B.; Iverson, John B.; Karapatakis, Deno; Mittermeier, Russell A.; Georges, Arthur; Rhodin, Anders G.J.; van Dijk, Peter Paul; and Gibbons, J. Whitfield. 2009. A global analysis of tortoise and freshwater turtle distributions with identification of priority conservation areas. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 8(2):116–149.

160. Rhodin, Anders G.J.; Métrailler, Sébastien; Vinke, Thomas; Vinke, Sabine; Artner, Harald; and Mittermeier, Russell A. 2009. Acanthochelys macrocephala (Rhodin, Mittermeier, and McMorris 1984) – big-headed Pantanal swamp turtle, Pantanal swamp turtle. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Pritchard, P.C.H., van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., Iverson, J.B., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 040.1–040.8, doi:10.3854/crm.5.040.macrocephala.v1.2009, //iucn-tftsg.org/cbftt/.

161.Turtle Taxonomy Working Group [Rhodin, Anders G.J.; Parham, James F.; van Dijk, Peter Paul; and Iverson, John B.]. 2009. Turtles of the world: annotated checklist of taxonomy and synonymy, 2009 update, with conservation status summary. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Pritchard, P.C.H., van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., Iverson, J.B., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 000.39–000.84, doi:10.3854/crm.5.000.checklist.v2.2009, //iucn–tftsg.org/cbftt/.

162. Rhodin, Anders G.J.; and Quinn, Hugh R. 2010. The Turtle Conservation Fund: providing strategic action planning and funding support for conservation of the world’s most endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles. Turtle Survival Alliance Newsletter 2010:24-26.